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Mandalay Family Medicine Trainers Completed Faculty Training Level-2


The Myanmar Academy of Family Physicians and the Boston University Global Health Collaborative have successfully concluded the Training of Family Medicine Faculty- Level 2 (TOF2) in Mandalay. Similar to TOF1, MAFP and BU cooperated with Mandalay General Practitioners’ Society in delivering the training, and supported by University of Medicine Mandalay.

The TOF2 training spanned over 8 weeks from second week of June to third of July, 2018. The participants were responsible to complete the competency-based curriculum in the respective area that they have started in TOF1, and to develop student evaluation tools.

The graduation ceremony was held at the Palace by the Golden Duck Restaurant in Chan Aye Thar Zen township, Mandalay in the afternoon of July 24, 2018. During the ceremony, opening speeches were delivered by the president of MMA, Prof.Khin Maung Myint and the patron of Mandalay General Practitioners’ Society, Dr.Maung Maung Than. The congratulatory speeches were delivered by the rector of University of Medicine Mandalay, Prof.Khin Maung Lwin and the Boston University faculty and MAFP adviser, Dr.Christoph Gelsdorf. Then the thanks giving words were spoken by the Program Director and MAFP Faculty leader, Dr. Kyaw Thu.

Afterwards, the achievement certificates for Training of Faculty Fellowship Level-2 were presented to the participants. Finally, the group photos of the honorary guests, the MAFP/BU trainers and the participants were taken merrily before the closing of the ceremony.


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